Features list

Here is the list of some major features of Advanced Woo Labels plugin.

We offer a Free and Premium versions of our plugin. In the list below you can see the differences between this versions.

General Features

Main plugin features.

Show everywhere

Show labels inside archive loops and on product single pages.

Max. labels per product

Option to set maximal number of labels per product.

Max. labels per position

Option to set maximal number of labels per labels position.

Theme compliance

Compatible with almost all available themes.


Change default hooks that used to display product labels right from settings page.

Unlimited labels

Create unlimited number of labels for each product.


Display label on product image or before title.


Align label at any side: left, center, right.


Live preview label inside admin panel before publish it.


Translate labels text to any shop language.

Labels groups

Group of labels inside one product.
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Label groups

Show several labels inside one product.

Groups distance

Distance between several labels inside one product position.

Groups align

Alignment of several labels inside one product.


Set labels priority. This will reflect on order of labels inside one product.

Image Label Type

Use one of predefined images as label or upload your custom one.
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Choose image

Select image from the list of predefined ones.

Set image size

Make image bigger or smaller right from admin screen.

SVG labels

Use SVG images as labels.

Upload custom image

Upload any custom image and use it as your label.

Set image opacity

Fill free to change image opacity.

Label links

Add a custom link for a label.
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Link label to any page

Set any custom URL

Works with all label types

Use link for text and image labels.


Set animation for each label.
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Predefined animations

Choose one of predefined animation types.

Custom parameter

Customize animation with parameters like duration, repeats number, delay, etc.

Label text animation

Additionally you can apply animation to label text only.

Custom animations

Create fully custom animations with some simple code snippets.


Use any emoji inside the label text.
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Use any emoji

Add inside labels text any available emoji.

Mix text

Use emojis together with plain text/text variables.

Label Styling

Use even more label styling options to fully adapt it to your needs.
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Label templates

Choose from one of predefined shapes for your text label.

Font color

Customize color for label text.

Font size

Change label text size.


Change labels paddings.

Additional templates

More templates for label text shapes.

Border size

Set label border and customize its size.

Label color

Change label background color.

Font style

Choose font style: normal, bold, italic.


Set opacity for label.


Set labels margins.


Set label shadow and customize its size.

Border color

Change labels border color.

Label Text Variables

Use some additional text variables to make labels text even more attractive and product-specific.
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Display product name.


Display product regular price.


Show product discount percentage.


Days left till product sale ends.


Display product quantity.


Display product stock status.


Display product weight.


Display product length.


Display values list for any product attribute. For example, display all available product sizes.


Number of product reviews for last x days or for all time.


Average product rating.


Product permalink.


Math calculations.


Display product sale price.


Show product discount amount.


Display currency symbol.


Display product SKU.


Display product shipping class.


Display product width.


Display product height.


Display list of terms for any available product taxonomy. For example, display product category.


Show value of any custom fields that product has.


Number of product sales for last x days or for all time.


Product add to cart link.


Format numbers from text variables.

Label Conditions

Number of label conditions has been significantly increased. Now you can create more complex label display rules by using this additional conditions.
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Product: Price

Choose from current, regular or sale price to create needed condition.

Product: Visibility

Visibility status of the product.

Product: Sale discount

Specify product sale discount in percents or net amount.

Product: Sale status

Is product on sale or not.

Product: Rating

Average product rating.

Product: Has gallery

Check if product has image gallery

Product: Reviews count

Number of product reviews. Time frames: all time, last 24 hours, last 7 days, last month, last year.

Product: Age

Rule based on product age. Time frames: days, weeks, months or hours.

Product: Sale date

For scheduled product sales. Conditions based on when sale was started or when it will ends ( in days or hours ).

Product: Categories

Label display condition based on product categories that this product has.

Product: Taxonomies

Create label display condition based on any custom product taxonomy that product belong to ( or not ).

Product: Custom fields

Check for any product custom field and display label based on this field value.

Product: Shipping parameters

Set rules based on product shipping parameters like weight, length, width, height.

User: Country

Show label only for users from certain countries. Or vice versa hide labels for certain user countries.

User: Device

Check for user device ( mobile or desktop ) and create conditions based on this.

User: Shop stats

User shopping statistic: number of orders, average order value, total spend.

Page: Template

Option to select what theme page template was used to create the page that must display the the products with labels.

Page: URL

Condition based on current page URL. Specified part or whole page URL value to compare with.

Page: Type

Exclude/include labels based on page types like single/archive page, shop page, search results, front page, etc.


Display or hide label on certain date or date range.

Product: Stock status

Current product stock status: in stock, out of stock, on backorder.

Product: Quantity

Current product quantity.

Product: Shipping class

Select needed shipping class from the list of available ones.

Product: Featured status

Is current product is featured or not.

Product: Has image

Check if product has featured image

Product: Name

Choose individually products from the list.

Product: Is in cart

Display or not label depending on whether the product is in the user cart.

Product: Sales number

Condition based on number of product sales. Time frames: all time, last 24 hours, last 7 days, last month, last year.

Product: SKU

Condition based on current product SKU. Specified part or whole product SKU value to compare with.

Product: Type

Choose for what product type ( simple, grouped, external, variable ) to display the label.

Product: Tags

Label display condition based on product tags that this product has.

Product: Attributes

Check for any attributes that product has. Also works with custom attributes.

User: Name

Condition based on user name. Show label only for specified users.

User: Role

Condition based on user role. Show label only for specific user roles

User: Language

Condition based on current user language. Show labels only if user languages is in the list of specified ones.

User: Cart

Conditions based on user cart parameters: total number of items, average items cost, total sum of all items.

Page: Archives

Condition based on page archive taxonomy and term. For example, it is possible to display the label only for one certain product category and hide for others.

Page: Name

Choose page where label must be visible ( or exclude from some individual pages ).


Rule based on time or time range. For example, display label only from 12.00 to 16.00.

Day of week

Choose day of week as a condition for label displaying.

ACF plugin support

Advanced integration with Advanced Custom Fields plugin.
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Text variables

Display ACF fields values inside labels.


Labels display conditions based on ACF fields.

WCFM plugin support

Advanced integration with WCFM Multivendor Marketplace plugin.
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Text variables

Show vendor data via text variables.


Label display conditions based on vendor data.

Dokan plugin support

Advanced integration with Dokan WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace plugin.
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Text variables

Show vendor data via text variables.


Label display conditions based on vendor data.

MultiVendorX plugin support

Advanced integration with MultiVendorX Multivendor Marketplace plugin.
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Text variables

Show vendor data via text variables.


Label display conditions based on vendor data.

WC Vendors plugin support

Advanced integration with WC Vendors plugin.
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Text variables

Show vendor data via text variables.


Label display conditions based on vendor data.


Picture is worth a thousand words. View gallery to learn about all main plugin features.

Labels and labels groups
Labels and labels groups
Create unlimited number of labels and display theme everywhere
Create unlimited number of labels and display theme everywhere
Show labels on product details page
Show labels on product details page
Labels styling options
Labels styling options
Labels styling options. Admin page
Labels styling options. Admin page
Labels positions
Labels positions
Change labels text and use special text variables
Change labels text and use special text variables
Labels edit page. Text option
Labels edit page. Text option
Labels conditions options
Labels conditions options
Labels conditions. Admin page
Labels conditions. Admin page
Admin labels page
Admin labels page
Image label type PRO
Image label type
Image label type. Admin page PRO
Image label type. Admin page
Pro styling options. Admin page PRO
Pro styling options. Admin page
New label templates for PRO version PRO
New label templates for PRO version
Additional text variables for PRO version PRO
Additional text variables for PRO version
Additional labels conditions with PRO version PRO
Additional labels conditions with PRO version
Date conditions in PRO version PRO
Date conditions in PRO version
Page conditions in PRO version PRO
Page conditions in PRO version
Users conditions in PRO version PRO
Users conditions in PRO version
Emojis support PRO
Emojis support
Label custom links PRO
Label custom links
ACF plugin support PRO
ACF plugin support
WCFM / Dokan / MultiVendorX plugins support PRO
WCFM / Dokan / MultiVendorX plugins support
Download free version

Download free version from repository.

Purchase pro version

Read about differences between free and pro versions here.