Dokan – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace

Dokan - WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace plugin integration overview. Know more about how to display Dokan related data inside labels and how to create labels display conditions based on Dokan vendor data.

In this article
Following article describes features available only with PRO plugin version.


Key features of integration:
  • Labels custom text with Dokan values. Show some specific Dokan values as label text.
  • Display rules based on Dokan values. Show/hide labels based on Dokan specific parameters.

Dokan plugin is a great choice for your multi vendor marketplace. It has many great features that can help to cover almost every need.

And most exciting here is that Advanced Woo Labels (AWL) has tight integration with this plugin.

You can show various Dokan related information right inside text labels with the help of text variables. Additionally you can set labels display conditions based on Dokan vendors data.

Some examples of possible use cases:

1. Show vendor logo near each product that is sold by Dokan vendor.
2. Show Top rated vendor label for products that are selling by vendors with average rating greater or equal to 4.0.
3. Show Featured Store label for all products that are sold by featured Dokan stores.

Text variable: 'Sold by' badge

'Sold by' badge as label text variable

'Sold by' badge as label text variable

Display Sold by badge for all products that are sold by Dokan vendors. Such a badge includes information like vendor shop name, logo, average rating, reviews count and the link to the shop page.

To display such a badge inside a label just use the {DOKAN_SHOP_BADGE} text variable.

Steps to display this text variable:

1. Open label edit page of a label that needs to be changed.

2. Find Label text option ( available only for Shape with text label type ) and set {DOKAN_SHOP_BADGE} inside it. It is better not to add any other text inside this field otherwise this can break label text markup.

{DOKAN_SHOP_BADGE} text variable

{DOKAN_SHOP_BADGE} text variable

You can use this text variable together with display conditions like Is product sold by any vendor to make sure that the shop badge will be shown only for products that are selling by Dokan vendors.

Store logo text variable

Store logo text variable

Show label of the Dokan current product vendor. Will show the default Dokan logo if the vendor doesn't have its own. Displayed empty string if the product is not sold by any vendor.

To display such a badge inside a label just use the {DOKAN_SHOP_LOGO} text variable.

Steps to display this text variable:

1. Open label edit page of a label that needs to be changed.

2. Find Label text option ( available only for Shape with text label type ) and set {DOKAN_SHOP_LOGO} inside it.

{DOKAN_SHOP_LOGO} text variable

{DOKAN_SHOP_LOGO} text variable

Use this text variable together with display conditions like Is product sold by any vendor or Product is sold by X vendor to make sure that the label will be shown only for products that are selling by Dokan vendors.

Text variable: Vendor store name

Store name text variable

Store name text variable

Show Dokan store name for the current product inside AWL label. Will show an empty string if the product is not sold by any vendor.

To display such a badge inside a label just use the {DOKAN_SHOP_NAME} text variable.

Steps to display this text variable:

1. Open label edit page of a label that needs to be changed.

2. Find Label text option ( available only for Shape with text label type ) and set {DOKAN_SHOP_NAME} inside it.

{DOKAN_SHOP_NAME} text variable

{DOKAN_SHOP_NAME} text variable

Additionally you can add some label display conditions for this label to customize label appearance or make sure that it is displayed only for Dokan vendor products.

Store link text variable

Store link text variable

Show vendor shop link inside label for the current product.

To display such a badge inside a label just use the {DOKAN_SHOP_LINK} text variable.

Steps to display this text variable:

1. Open label edit page of a label that needs to be changed.

2. Find Label text option ( available only for Shape with text label type ) and set {DOKAN_SHOP_LINK} inside it.

{DOKAN_SHOP_LINK} text variable

{DOKAN_SHOP_LINK} text variable

Shop link as plain text is not very useful. Much better is to give users options to click on labels and navigate to the vendor shop page.

Good news is that it can be done. And currently there are two ways to do that.

1. Use html markup inside the label. We can place {DOKAN_SHOP_LINK} text variable as a href value for an a html tag. Also lets add {DOKAN_SHOP_NAME} text variable to display shop name.

So inside Label text it is need to add following value:

Shop name with shop link inside product label

Shop name with shop link inside product label

2. Use label Link option. Just open the label edit page and find Link metabox on the right sidebar. Add inside it {DOKAN_SHOP_LINK} value to create a label link that will lead to the vendor shop page.

Additionally for Label text option you can set the value to {DOKAN_SHOP_NAME} to display the vendor name inside the label.

Label link option box

Label link option box

Label with shop name and shop permalink

Label with shop name and shop permalink

Text variable: Vendor store average rating

Store rating text variable

Store rating text variable

Display vendor average store rating inside the label for current WooCommerce products.

To display such a badge inside a label just use the {DOKAN_SHOP_RATING} text variable.

Steps to display this text variable:

1. Open label edit page of a label that needs to be changed.

2. Find Label text option ( available only for Shape with text label type ) and set {DOKAN_SHOP_RATING} inside it.

{DOKAN_SHOP_RATING} text variable

{DOKAN_SHOP_RATING} text variable

Additionally you can use label display conditions for that label. For example, use Average store rating condition to display the label with store rating only for top rated stores ( as example - to those who have an average score >= 4.5 of 5 ).

Text variable: Vendor store reviews number

Store reviews number text variable

Store reviews number text variable

Display vendor store reviews number inside the label for current WooCommerce products.

To display such a badge inside a label just use the {DOKAN_SHOP_REVIEWS_NUM} text variable.

Steps to display this text variable:

1. Open label edit page of a label that needs to be changed.

2. Find Label text option ( available only for Shape with text label type ) and set {DOKAN_SHOP_REVIEWS_NUM} inside it.

{DOKAN_SHOP_REVIEWS_NUM} text variable

{DOKAN_SHOP_REVIEWS_NUM} text variable

Use this label together with some label display conditions. For example - with Store reviews count condition rule to display the label with reviews count only for stores with more than X reviews.

Text variable: Product views number

Product views number text variable

Product views number text variable

Display the number of views of each product inside the label.

To display such a badge inside a label just use the {DOKAN_PRODUCT_VIEWS_NUM} text variable.

Steps to display this text variable:

1. Open label edit page of a label that needs to be changed.

2. Find Label text option ( available only for Shape with text label type ) and set {DOKAN_PRODUCT_VIEWS_NUM} inside it.



Combine this text variable together with Product views number display condition to show the label only for products that have less/more than X views.

Condition: Is product sold by any vendor

Display the label only for products that are sold by Dokan vendors. Or, in other way, show the label only for products that are NOT sold by any Dokan vendor.

Such conditions can be set via Is product sold by any vendor label display condition.

Steps to set this label display condition:

1. Open the label edit page and find Label Conditions box.

2. Set new condition - Is product sold by any vendor. Also specify compare operator and value ( true or false ) depending on your needs.

'Is product sold by any vendor' label display condition

'Is product sold by any vendor' label display condition

Condition: Product is sold by X vendor

Show the label only for products that are sold by specific Dokan vendors. Or, in other way, show that label for all products that are sold by Dokan vendors excluding specific vendor shops.

Such conditions can be set via Product sold by label display condition.

Steps to set this label display condition:

1. Open the label edit page and find Label Conditions box.

2. Set new condition - Product sold by. Also specify the compare operator and value ( vendor name ) depending on your needs.

'Product sold by' label display condition

'Product sold by' label display condition

Condition: Is vendor page

Display the label only inside the Dokan vendor shop page. Or display it everywhere except this shop page.

Such conditions can be set via Is store page label display condition.

Steps to set this label display condition:

1. Open the label edit page and find Label Conditions box.

2. Set new condition - Is store page. Also set compare operator and value ( true or false ) depending on your needs.

'Is store page' label display condition

'Is store page' label display condition

Show/hide labels for products that are sold by Dokan featured stores.

Such conditions can be set via Is store featured label display condition.

Steps to set this label display condition:

1. Open the label edit page and find Label Conditions box.

2. Set new condition - Is store featured. Also set compare operator and value ( true or false ) depending on your needs.

'Is store featured' label display condition

'Is store featured' label display condition

Condition: Average store rating

Display label for current product based on average Dokan vendor store.

Such conditions can be set via Store rating label display condition.

Steps to set this label display condition:

1. Open the label edit page and find Label Conditions box.

2. Set a new condition - Store rating. Choose the needed compare operator ( equal to, not equal to, greater or equal to, less or equal to ) and value of rating to compare with.

'Store rating' label display condition

'Store rating' label display condition

Condition: Store reviews count

Hide/show label based on current product vendor store reviews count.

Such conditions can be set via Store reviews count label display condition.

Steps to set this label display condition:

1. Open the label edit page and find Label Conditions box.

2. Set a new condition - Store reviews count. Choose the needed compare operator ( equal to, not equal to, greater or equal to, less or equal to ) and value of reviews count to compare with.

'Store reviews count' label display condition

'Store reviews count' label display condition

Condition: Store sales number

Hide/show label based on current product vendor store sales number.

Such conditions can be set via Store total sales count label display condition.

Steps to set this label display condition:

1. Open the label edit page and find Label Conditions box.

2. Set new condition - Store total sales count. Choose the needed compare operator ( equal to, not equal to, greater or equal to, less or equal to ) and value of sales to compare with.

'Store total sales count' label display condition

'Store total sales count' label display condition

Condition: Product views number

Hide/show label based on current product views number.

Such conditions can be set via Product views label display condition.

Steps to set this label display condition:

1. Open the label edit page and find Label Conditions box.

2. Set a new condition - Product view. Choose the needed compare operator ( equal to, not equal to, greater or equal to, less or equal to ) and value of product views to compare with.

'Product views' label display condition

'Product views' label display condition