Learn how to import/export your labels between different WordPress sites.
Moving website content between different WordPress installs is a very common task. In this article in a very simple steps will be described how to import/export plugin labels by using WordPress default tools.
To move your labels to the different WordPress website you first need to export these labels as a standard .xml
file that then can be imported.
Please follow these steps to export all your plugin labels:
1. Open WordPress admin and navigate to Tools -> Export page.
2. For Choose what to export option select Labels and click Download Export File file.
Exporting product labels
3. That's all! Now you must see the downloaded .xml
file that contains all your labels data.
After the exporting of the labels is finished you can start to import those labels to another website.
Follow these steps to import labels:
1. Open WordPress admin and navigate to Tools -> Import page.
2. Find WordPress importer and click Run Importer.
WordPress importer
3. On the next page click Choose file and choose previously exported .xml
file. Click Upload file and import.
4. Then you will be given a choice to choose a person to attach imported labels to. Just choose any admin user. Also enable the Download and import file attachments option. After all, click Submit.
Import tool options
5. Done. If importing is processed successfully you will see a message with congratulations. Now just open the Adv. Woo Labels -> All labels page to see all your imported product labels.