Label Display Conditions

User powerful label display conditions to show labels only for needed products, pages or users.

In this article


Label conditions settings

Label conditions settings

Advanced Woo Labels comes with advanced labels display options. With these options it is possible to create the rules of where and when product labels must be visible.

It is possible to crease display rules based on following criteria:

  • Product conditions - Display conditions based on product fields like price, stock status, publish date, etc.
  • Page conditions - display labels only on specific pages that match needed criteria.
  • User conditions - show labels only for certain users based on their role, country, language, etc.
  • Date/time conditions - show labels only on specific date, time or date/time range.

Also, it is possible to create even more complex display conditions by using several of them inside one label and combining them to AND and OR groups.

Examples of use:

- Show label only for products that is on sale

- Show label for products that has sale discount more than X percents

- Show label only for products than has rating higher than X

- Show label only for users with user role 'Customer'

- Show label only for users that has more than X item in cart

- Show label only for products with 'Free shipping' shipping class

- Show label only for products that has attribute 'Color' and it is equal to 'Black'

- Show label only on shop page

- Show label only on Monday from 10.00 to 12.00

Available display conditions

Condition nameSuboptionsOperatorsCompare values
Products stock status-=, !=in stock
out of stock
on backorder
Products visibility-=, !=Shop and search results
Shop only
Search results only
Products priceCurrent
=, !=, >=, <=number
Product sale discountPercents
=, !=, >=, <=number
Product quantity-=, !=, >=, <=number
Product shipping class-=, !=available shipping classes
Shipping parameters weight
=, !=, >=, <=number
Produc type -=, !=Simple product
Grouped product
External/Affiliate product
Variable product
Product variation
Product age in days
in weeks
in months
in hours
=, !=, >=, <=number
Product sku -=, !=, *, !*text
Product sale datewas started x hours ago
was started x days ago
will ends in x hours
will ends in x days
=, !=, >=, <=number
Product rating-=, !=, >=, <=number
Product reviews countall time
last 24 hours
last 7 days
last month
last year
=, !=, >=, <=number
Product sales numberall time
last 24 hours
last 7 days
last month
last year
=, !=, >=, <=number
Product sale status-=, !=Yes
Product featured status-=, !=Yes
Product is in cart-=, !=Yes
Product has image-=, !=Yes
Product has gallery-=, !=Yes
Product name-=, !=Products list
Product categories-=, !=Categories list
Product tags-=, !=Tags list
Product taxonomiesTaxonomies list=, !=Taxonomy terms list
Product attributesAttributes list=, !=Attribute values list
Product custom attributesAttributes list=, !=Attribute values list
Product custom fieldsCustom fields list=, !=, >=, <=Custom field values list
User name-=, !=Users list
User role-=, !=User roles list
User country-=, !=Countries list
User language-=, !=Languages list
User device-=, !=Desktop
User cartNumber of items
Average items cost
Total sum of items
=, !=, >=, <=number
User shop statsOrders number
Average order value
Total spend
=, !=, >=, <=number
Page name-=, !=Pages list
Page template-=, !=Page templates list
Page type-=, !=Page types list
Page archivesTaxonomies list=, !=Taxonomy terms list
Page URL -=, !=, *, !*text
Date-=, !=, >=, <=Date or date interval
Time-=, !=, >=, <=Time or time interval
Day of week-=, !=Day of week