WCFM – Multivendor Marketplace

WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace (WCFM Marketplace) plugin integration overview. Learn how to display WCFM related data inside labels and how to create special labels display conditions based on these data.

In this article
Following article describes features available only with PRO plugin version.


Key features of integration:
  • Labels custom text with WCFM values. Show some specific WCFM values as label text.
  • Display rules based on WCFM values. Show/hide labels based on WCFM specific parameters.

WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace (WCFM Marketplace) is a very powerful and most popular plugin to create your own multi-vendor marketplace.

We are glad to say that Advanced Woo Labels (AWL) has tight integration with this plugin. It is possible to display many WCFM related information inside product labels via plugin text variables. Also you can set labels display conditions based on WCFM vendors data.

Possible use cases:

1. Show vendor store logo for each product that is sold by vendors.
2. Show Best vendor labels for all products of top rated vendors.
3. Show Partners product for all products that are sold by vendor stores.
4. Show Special offer label inside vendor store page only.
5. Show the vendor store name and link to it for each product sold by this vendor.

Text variable: 'Sold by' badge

'Sold by' badge as label text variable

'Sold by' badge as label text variable

First of all it is possible to display the WCFM default 'Sold by' badge. Such bange can be seen on product single page and on product archive pages for products that are sold by any WCFM vendors.

To display such a badge inside a label just use the {WCFM_SHOP_BADGE} text variable.

Open label edit page, find Label text option ( available only for Shape with text label type ) and set {WCFM_SHOP_BADGE} inside it. It is better not to add any other text inside this field otherwise this can break label text markup.

{WCFM_SHOP_BADGE} text variable

{WCFM_SHOP_BADGE} text variable

Badge view depends on the option value that was set inside WCFM settings -> Marketplace settings -> Sold By Template option. Change it and the badge view will be changed automatically for all labels with this text variable inside.

WCFM 'Sold By Template' option

WCFM 'Sold By Template' option

Text variable: Vendor store name

Store name text variable

Store name text variable

Show vendor store name for the current product inside AWL label. Will show an empty string if the product is not sold by any vendor.

Open label edit page, find Label text option and specify {WCFM_SHOP_NAME} text variable with any additional text inside.

{WCFM_SHOP_NAME} text variable

{WCFM_SHOP_NAME} text variable

For such a label additionally can be used Is product sold by any vendor condition to make sure that the label is shown only for products that is sold by any vendor.

Store logo text variable

Store logo text variable

Show vendor store logo for the current product. Will show default WCFM logo if the vendor doesn't have its own. Displayed empty string if the product is not sold by any vendor.

Open label edit page, find Label text option and set {WCFM_SHOP_LOGO} inside it.

{WCFM_SHOP_LOGO} text variable

{WCFM_SHOP_LOGO} text variable

To change that logo default size you need to use Custom css option under the Set custom styles toggler.

For example, to set logo size to 70px use this css:

.awl-inner-text .wcfmmp_store_info img {
   max-width: 70px !important;
Custom css field to change WCFM shop logo size

Custom css field to change WCFM shop logo size

Store link text variable

Store link text variable

Display the vendor shop link inside the product label.

To set this text variable please open the label edit page, find Label text option and set {WCFM_SHOP_LINK} inside it.

{WCFM_SHOP_LINK} text variable

{WCFM_SHOP_LINK} text variable

Links as plain text are not very useful. So you can combine it with some html markup and other text variables.
For example, let's display the vendor shop name and link to that shop as a simple permalink.

To do this we need to use both {WCFM_SHOP_LINK} and {WCFM_SHOP_NAME} text variables as well as html markup for a tag.

So for Label text option field you need to specify the following value:

Shop name with link inside product label

Shop name with link inside product label

As a result the users will see the label with the vendor shop name. By clicking on this label they will be redirected to vendors' shops.

Label with shop name and shop permalink

Label with shop name and shop permalink

Text variable: Vendor store average rating

Store rating text variable

Store rating text variable

Display average vendor store rating inside the product label.

To display this store rating please open the label edit page, find Label text option and use {WCFM_SHOP_RATING} text variable with any other text inside.

{WCFM_SHOP_RATING} text variable

{WCFM_SHOP_RATING} text variable

Additionally you can use Average store rating display condition to display such store rating only for top rated stores. For example, for those who have an average score >= 4.5 of 5.

Text variable: Vendor store reviews number

Store reviews number text variable

Store reviews number text variable

Display vendor store reviews number inside the product label.

To display the store reviews number inside the product label, open the label edit page, find Label text option and use {WCFM_SHOP_REVIEWS_NUM} text variable with any other text inside.

{WCFM_SHOP_REVIEWS_NUM} text variable

{WCFM_SHOP_REVIEWS_NUM} text variable

It is possible to additionally use Store reviews count label display condition to display the label with reviews count only for stores with more than X reviews.

Condition: Is product sold by any vendor

Display the label only for products that are sold by WCFM vendors. Or vice versa, show such labels only for products that are NOT sold by WCFM vendors.

Such conditions can be set via Is product sold by any vendor label display condition.

To set this display rule open the label edit page, find Label Conditions box and set new condition Is product sold by any vendor. Set compare operator and value ( true or false ) depending on your needs.

'Is product sold by any vendor' label display condition

'Is product sold by any vendor' label display condition

Condition: Product is sold by X vendor

Display the label only for products that are sold by specific WCFM vendors. Or display that label for all products that are sold by WCFM vendors excluding specific vendor shops.

To use this display condition please open label edit page, find Label Conditions box and set new condition Product sold by. Set compare operator and value ( vendor name ) depending on your needs.

'Product sold by' label display condition

'Product sold by' label display condition

Condition: Is vendor page

Display the label only inside the vendor shop page. Or display it everywhere except this shop page.

To enable that display condition open the label edit page, find Label Conditions box and set new Is store page condition. Set compare operator and value ( true or false ) depending on your needs.

'Is store page' label display condition

'Is store page' label display condition

Note: you can combine this condition with Product sold by to display the label only inside specific vendor shops.

Condition: Average store rating

Display label based on current product average vendor store rating.

To use this label display condition open the label edit page, find Label Conditions box and set new Store rating condition. Choose the needed compare operator ( equal to, not equal to, greater or equal to, less or equal to ) and value to compare with.

'Store rating' label display condition

'Store rating' label display condition

Note: combine this label condition with Vendor store average rating text variable to display specific label only for top rated vendor products.

Condition: Store reviews count

Display label based on current product vendor store reviews count.

To set this display condition just open the label edit page, find Label Conditions box and set new Store reviews count condition. Choose the needed compare operator ( equal to, not equal to, greater or equal to, less or equal to ) and value to compare with.

'Store reviews count' label display condition

'Store reviews count' label display condition

Note: combine this label condition which Vendor store reviews number text variable to display specific label only for products which vendor has more then X reviews.