How to fix an issue with not visible labels for a single product page when using Flatsome UX Builder.
One of the problems that you can face is not displaying labels with Before Title
position for a single product page. This problem appears when using Flatsome UX Builder to customize a product page.
Labels with On Image
positions in the meantime must be visible without any issues.
In order to fix this problem you need to manually add shortcode for labels to the needed place of the product page ( in your case it is before title position ).
So open product single page template inside Flatsome UX Builder and add Text
block right before Product Title
block ( or to any other place where you want ).
Add the following value as a text for this block:
<p>[awl_get_product_labels position="before_title"]</p>
Now just save template changes and check the single product page. Labels must be visible right before product title ( of course if the current product meets labels display conditions ).